Boy, did that sneak up on us! After the moving drama and attempts at settling in, I didn't realize til this moment that our daring stab at making the Ultimate Cinnamon Bun would also be our 30th recipe. Wheww! Where did all those calories go?
Inspired by another episode of America's Test Kitchen, Dad was enraptured with their Ultimate Cinnamon Buns described as "unapologetically large." The pursuit of the recipe for these sinful treats proved a bit of a challenge. In the past, Dad has been able to find any of the ATK recipes he saw on TV on their web site. But this recipe, could only be located on the super secret "members only" (fork over $14.95) section of the web site. Oh yes, it's that good that they're lockin' that stuff up tight! So after signing up and entering in his credit card number, then realizing he signed up for the wrong membership, emailing the company to cancel his order, locating the right web page and joining the correct membership, Dad finally retrieved the coveted recipe.
They start out this big...

Being that he had to pay to get this recipe, I'm sure that means that the ATK people would be more than slightly miffed if I posted it here for all to get for free, so unfortunately, to protect the innocent I cannot post the recipe we used. (But if you happen bump into me in the grocery store and we get to chatting about any sweet baked goods and I just happen to mention some ingredients and maybe a few steps and you just happen to figure it out on your own... )
But who likes to read anyway! Let's just spend the rest of the this post staring at the pics or, as my friend Lisa puts it, trying not to lick the screen.

The Belly is back to report on the tastings from the Spot. And this one was a winner - a big winner. Surprise, surprise, this scored a 5 out 5! Big cinnamon flavor, lots of sweet, sweet frosting, and being the size of 4 or more normal buns, these Ultimate Cinnamon Buns are indeed the ultimate desert! The Belly is looking forward to the next time they fill the Spot's kitchen with sweet, sweet smells {hint, hint Kath ;)}
I had no problem getting the recipe from their website. I did not pay a dime, I just registered my e-mail address. I have tons of recipes from them with no problem. I would never pay for a recipe. I am glad Dad got this recipe and I am about to make them for the first time now and was just looking for some comments on them before I got started.
Here's a link to the shows transcript, you just have to read through everything to get the recipe. http://www.livedash.com/transcript/cook's_country_from_america's_test_kitchen-(rise_and_shine)/918/KQED/Wednesday_September_8_2010/438474/
Where is the recipe?
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