Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Speaking Of Broccoli

Needing to catch up on my posts, I was browsing through the holiday pictures and came across this steaming shot of my Dad's Broccoli & Sausage Bread. (I can't tell you how thrilled I am that I captured the steam in the shot, but I'll try not to break my own arm while patting myself on the back.) In late December, we were headed to a friend's house for an appetizers only evening and I wanted to bring something different from what I usually make. So I spent a Saturday with Dad to learn how to make the Broccoli Bread. We made two loaves, one with just plain broccoli and the other with broccoli and sausage. Actually, one loaf was made with half and half; broccoli and sausage on one end and just broccoli on the other. Although tasty, that loaf looked a little funny, like a snake with a lump in his belly.

Here's some shots from the kitchen:

Cooking the chopped broccoli and ground sausage.
We also added in fresh chopped onion, garlic and a sprinkle of parsley.

Rolling out the dough: I'm so jealous because my parents recently renovated their kitchen and now my Dad has this great granite counter top to use as a work surface. Someday, someday...

Spread it out and roll it up!

Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary.
Next stop: The oven with a final destination of MY BELLY!

Later that day, Matt commented that it looked like I spent more time taking pictures and less time actually cooking. I assert that I was assisting and that capturing the images would be the best way to jog my memory in the future. After all, isn't a picture worth a thousand words?!

Thanks Dad!

The complete recipe and download-able PDF
is available on our web site: Broccoli & Sausage Bread

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